KAYAKSURF Sweden in Portugal

KAYAKSURF Sucia em Portugal / Surf Trip at Peniche

Photos by Norefors
Leif Davidsson - NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net - contactou-nos h uns meses para averiguar uma possvel viagem at Peniche. O sueco j conhecia o nosso pas graas colaborao que mantm com a Watertech e queria agora conhecer melhor o palco do mundial de surf. Estiveram por c no final ms passado e adoraram. Ficam as fotos de uma viagem que, de acordo com Leif, ir repetir-se certamente!

Lei Davidsson is our newest NEWS TEAM member. He was in Portugal last month for a surf trip till Peniche. Leif and the swedish team already knew our country but, this time, the objectiv was to know better the stage of the surf World Championship Tour. Great waves, sun an good food. See you soon again Leif?

Johan Linder / Watertech 666
Jesper Peterzn / Watertech Lucifer
Leif Davidsson / Watertech Bandit/Lucifer
Andreas Alvehus / Watertech Bandit


Thanks Leif!

KAYAKSURF Basque Country

Boas ondas,

luis pedro abreu

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